With the burgeoning population also growing are the unending woes
of the poor and Destitute. But the woes that merit immediate attention
and redressal are health –related.
The present medical infrastructure of the city has a dismally failed to keep pace with the ever-growing number of patients. Of course the city is dotted with innumerable clinics and well-equipped hospitals with facilities, which only the high middle and super strata of the society can afford.
Local hospitals administered by the Corporation Govt. suffer from acute scarcity of medicines and equipment and medical staff.
Therefore, we accord TOP PRIORITY to plan, build and maintain a relatively good medical infrastructure mainly for the Very Needy & Destitute.
A home for the Destitute-This city boasts of nearly a dozen homes
for aged but there is none to welcome and provide shelter to destitute
who have to suffer pathetic living conditions in road-side slums
in miserable conditions.
The TRUST makes a fervent APPEAL to people donate
generously to enable it to fulfill its commitments.
Kindly send your donations through preferably A/P Cheques/Drafts
in favour of and in the name of the TRUST.